Michael Byers | “Welcome To Researchville” For Onearth Magazine

September 04, 2012    Michael Byers

Levy Creative Management artist MICHAEL BYERS creates 2 great pieces called “Welcome to Researchville”  for OnEarth Magazine about a city meant for new technology (but not for people) is rising up in the desert. The yellow sky piece was the one they published. It’s an article about a company that plans on building an entire city in the desert of New Mexico. It’s inhabitants are not humans but robots instead. The concept of the city is to be a place for scientists and others to do research, invent and test new technologies, and try out new ideas in a more real life setting rather than just a lab. This city will be full scale including strip malls, suburbs, churches, a downtown core, and even a mock airport.

The first image here is the one that was originally approved for final. Then the client decided that the second image was a better way to go and Mike agreed. It was one of those rare occasions that the client went with one sketch and then decided to take another to final. Mike is grateful for this considering the 2nd sketch they asked him to go to final with was the one he wanted to illustrate all along. And now Mike has 2 images to boot so who can complain!

Unpublished piece
Final piece – Published