Michael Byers | How To Have A Grown-Up Dinner Party (Without Feeling Too Grown-Up) For GQ Magazine
April 27, 2017 Michael Byers
This is a great article and super fun illos that MICHAEL BYERS got to illustrate for GQ Magazine, the title is even better — “How To Have A Grown-Up Dinner Party (Without Feeling Too Grown-Up). “If you don’t get it right, a simple dinner party can turn into a chaos of frayed nerves, burned food, and all the wrong kinds of memories. The trick is to focus on a few key details.” I’ll give you the first rule. You can click here to see the rest to get tips on dinner party perfection. 1. Invite Guests Like You’re Casting for The Breakfast Club, Not Friends! I think Mike nailed this dinner party — looks like he’s had a bit of experience with this.